The Department of ENVIRONMENT, LAND AND INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING (DIATI) is the reference structure of Politecnico di Torino in the cultural areas dealing with the protection and management of the environment and land, mitigation and adaptation to climate change, sustainable use of natural resources and subsoil, as well as the design, development, management and operation of industrial technologies, civil infrastructures and eco-compatible transport systems. DIATI promotes, coordinates and manages teaching activities, basic and applied research, technological transfer and services to the local community in the above-mentioned areas.

Department NewsRSS feed

September 19th-20th 2024

3rd Summer School Nanotechnology in Agriculture

How nanotechnology can improve sustainable agricultural practices

Cittadella Politecnica, Corso Castelfidardo 39 (Turin) and DISAFA Largo Paolo Braccini 2 (Grugliasco)

The first engineers for the ecological transition

Congratulations to the first two graduates of the Master's degree courses "Technologies for transitions" and "Georesources and Geoenergy Engineering"

DIATI is among the protagonists of the new exhibition of Palazzo Madama

Visit the exhibition "CHANGE! Yesterday, today, tomorrow, the Po" by January 13th, 2025

DIATI researcher wins “Premio Feltrinelli Giovani”

Doctor Katinka Bellomo has won the award in the “Oceanography” category