Activities for schools

DIATI offers several activities for the dissemination of research results and university orientation aimed at educational institutions. You can find below our main activities (click the link for more information) 

  • ScuolAmbiente

    An initiative created by the Department of Environmental, Land and Infrastructure Engineering to bring high school students closer to the issues of environmental management and protection, sustainable use of resources and eco-friendly development of infrastructure and transport systems. The initiative is mainly aimed at the schools of the Piedmont Region, and it consists in short lessons held by DIATI staff. 

  • MovingLab School Tour

    An orientation activity dedicated mainly to the students enrolled in the 4th and 5th year of high school in the city of Turin, realized in collaboration with the Environmental and Land Engineering Committee and the Civil Engineering Committee. The initiative consists of a meeting with two professors of Politecnico di Torino who go to each school by MovingLab, a mobile laboratory created to study climate change in real time. The high school students can ask questions concerning the Bachelor’s Degree programmes in Environmental and Land Engineering and in Civil Engineering, and they can take part in practical challenges as well.

  • OpenLab@DIATI

    DIATI periodically open its laboratories to make its educational and research activities more visible and to arouse the interest of students, researchers, companies and the public towards the research topics carried out by the different groups of the Department. Schools can request to organize lab visits. 

  • GeMM | Geo-Mineralogical Museum of Politecnico di Torino

    The GeMM | Geo-Mineralogical Museum of Politecnico di Torino stems from the desire of the DIATI to display and give access to its own scientific and historical heritage. The museum recounts almost 170 years of history of technology by displaying materials of great value that have marked the history of the university and the advancements of science. The collections, started in 1859, include mineral samples from all over the world, meteorites, models of mining art, mine technology and mineral treatment, machines of great technical-scientific importance, equipment used for land measurement and teaching purposes. 

    School classes interested in visiting the museum can request more information and book their visit at the following e-mail: