Many research activities and projects implemented at DIATI are related to water resources and water management. The following image summarizes the main research topics and is followed by a list of the ongoing funded projects and of laboratories and spin-offs dealing with research related to water.
The following is a list of the main ongoing funded projects, in which DIATI is involved as consortium leader or partner.
- CWASI - Coping with water scarcity in a globalized world (CWASI): European Research Council (ERC) in the framework of the European Horizon 2020 programme - PoliTO (DIATI): Lead partner. Ref. Prof. Francesco Laio
- ECO.G.U.S. - ECOsystem services for resilient and sustainable cities: an ecohydrological approach for Green Urban Spaces: Horizon 2020 programme - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships - PoliTO (DIATI): Lead partner. Ref. Prof. Roberto Revelli
- RESBA - REsilienza degli SBArramenti(Resilience of dams):ALCOTRA V France and Italy programme - PoliTO (DIATI and DISEG): partner. Ref. DIATI Prof. Davide Poggi
- REGROUND - Colloidal Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for the REclamation of Toxic Metal Contaminated GROUNDwater Aquifers, Drinking Water Wells, and River Bank Filtrations: Horizon 2020 programme - Innovative Actions - PoliTO (DIATI): partner. Ref. Prof. Rajandrea Sethi
- REMIND - Renewable Energies for Water Treatment and REuse in Mining Industries: Horizon 2020 programme - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions - PoliTO (DIATI): partner. Ref. Prof. Mariachiara Zanetti
- RESERVACQUA - Implementazione di una REte di SERvizi per lo studio, la protezione, la valorizzazione e la gestione sostenibile dell'ACQUA a scala locale e regionale su un territorio transfrontaliero alpino: INTERREG V-A Italy-Switzerland programme - PoliTO (DIATI): partner. Ref. Prof. Marina De Maio
- “CREATE A NETWORK AROUND YOUR RESEARCH IDEA” PROJECTS, in the framework of the collaboration between the Bank foundation Compagnia di San Paolo and Politecnico di Torino
- Bubbles4life - Hydrodynamic cavitation for water disinfection in developing countries - Ref. Prof. Costantino Manes
- FLOWING – Wastewater reuse in the oil & gas extraction industry through membrane-based processes: Ref. Prof. Alberto Tiraferri
- SUPERGREEN - SUstainable Purification of wastewatER with GREEN walls - Ref. Prof. Fulvio Boano
- NANOGRASS – Development of a nano-herbicide to reduce the environmental impact of plant protection compounds in soils and subsoilso - Ref. Prof.ssa Tiziana Tosco
Here a list of the main laboratories that implement research activities related to water resources at different levels.
- Interdepartmental center CleanWaterCentre (CWC)
- The Clean Water Center designs and develops innovative technologies for the extraction of high quality water and useful resources from contaminated and saline water resources. The CWC is coordinated by Prof. Alberto Tiraferri del DIATI and involves personnel from DIATI, DISAT, DENERG e DET
- DIATI Laboratories
- Environmental chemistry lab: chemical-physical analyses and pilot tests are carried out relating to pollution in environmental systems, including solid, liquid and gaseous emissions. Water characterization analyses are also carried out and innovative treatments are tested for both drinking water production and wastewater treatment, as well as for the in situ treatment of groundwater. In the Biological Laboratory, pilot tests are carried out using microorganisms and / or algae. (Ref. Prof. Mariachiara Zanetti)
- Ecology lab: treatment of different types of wastewater with a pilot plant based on a hybrid phytodepuration technology; cultivation and use of freshwater microalgae in controlled photobioreactors. (Ref. Prof.ssa Elena Comino). (Ref. Prof.ssa Elena Comino)
- EN.SUR.E WATER LAB: innovation in the field of water and wastewater treatment through membrane separation technologies, advanced oxidation, and nanomaterials for environmental remediation. (Ref. Prof. Alberto Tiraferri)
- Environmental Nanotechnologies Lab: managed by the aquifer engineering research group, the laboratory applies ferrous micro and nanoparticles which, dispersed in aqueous suspensions or in polymeric fluids, are injected into the subsoil for the reclamation of contaminated aquifers (Ref. Prof. Rajandrea Sethi)
- Hydraulics Lab: experimental laboratory to support the theoretical and applicative studies of hydraulics (Ref. Prof. Davide Poggi)
- Hydrogeological research lab: analyses on groundwater and surface water resources concerning inorganic compounds, and in particular metals, lanthanides, and other major elements (Ref. Dott. Adriano Fiorucci)
- Mi Lego al Territorio: a student team using LEGO® to raise awareness amongst young generations on land management and protection from floods and extreme events- Ref. Prof. Pierluigi Claps
DIATI is currently active in 4 spin-offs. Two of them are connected to water issues:
- Rights of Water Campaign
- SIREN Project
- Poster session focusing on the topics of water, hydraulic engineering and the challenges posed by climate change. The poster session was held by DIATI researchers and PhD students to celebrate World Water Day 2024. Click here to download and view the posters.