Quality Commission
The Quality Commission works to spread the culture of Quality in the Department by managing, according to the principles of the Self-assessment, Periodic Evaluation, Accreditation (AVA), the departmental Quality Assurance process in the fields of education, research and third mission/social impact by promoting continuous improvement. Furthermore, the Commission supports the University Evaluation of Research Quality (VQR) practise.
The commission is made up of: Director (who is the commission coordinator), the Departmental Representatives for the Quality of Teaching, Research and the Third Mission (ReQUA), the District Management-Administrative Manager, and involves, when necessary, the Academic Boards Coordinators of PhD and study programs related to the Department and the representatives of the student body.
- ANTONIETTI SILVIA - Responsabile gestionale del Distretto
- DALMAZZO DAVIDE - Referente Qualità Ricerca e Terza Missione (ReQUA)
- LAIO FRANCESCO - Coordinator
- RUFFINO BARBARA - Referente Qualità Didattica (ReQUA)
- VANIN ELISA - Referente Qualità Didattica, Ricerca e Terza Missione (ReQUA amministrativa)