Tunnelling & Underground Space Research Center (TUSC)

The laboratory performs sperimental activities regarding the study of underground excavation. The main focus is about EPB-TBM (Earth Pressure Balance-Tunneling Boring Machine).

The main research topics are soil conditioning and two-component backfilling.

The study of soil conditioning concerns the evaluation of mechanical properties and the stability of conditioned soils, the study of clogging, of wear phenomena, and of the behaviour of conditioned soil under pressure.

The study of two-component backfilling focuses on the definition of a procedure to study mix designs and to evaluate the performance of those mixes in terms of mechanical performances, durability and optimization of production costs.

The laboratory cooperates with several contractors to validate models and empirical relationships found during the research activities.

Two-component backfilling test equipment Two-component backfilling test equipment Screw conveyor extraction device Screw conveyor extraction device Foam generator Foam generator Rotational mixer device Rotational mixer device Dynamic adhesion test device Dynamic adhesion test device TUSC Tunnelling & Underground Space Center (TUSC) Permeametro - permeameter-min (1) Permeameter Cono di Abrams - Abrams' cone Abrams' cone Pressa idraulica - hydraulic press Hydraulic press



Teaching and research laboratory


DIATI1 - Lower Ground Floor 


+39 0110907740





Daniele Peila - Manager

Andrea CarigiDaniele MartinelliCarmine Todaro