Categoria: Seminari e Convegni
Stato: Archiviata
mercoledì 2 ottobre 2019 - ore 15:00


Auditorium Energy Center, Via Paolo Borsellino 38/16, Torino

Seminario con Peter Wadhams, uno dei massimi esperti a livello mondiale di ghiaccio marino e oceani polari.

Il seminario sarà anche l’occasione per inaugurare il nuovo indirizzo “Climate change” della Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria per l’Ambiente e il Territorio del Politecnico di Torino, che prende avvio ufficialmente il 30 settembre.

Daranno il benvenuto ai partecipanti la Prof.ssa Patrizia Lombardi, Prorettrice del Politecnico di Torino, il prof. Rajandrea Sethi, Direttore del Dipartimento DIATI, e il prof. Francesco Laio, responsabile scientifico del progetto cambiamenti_climatici@polito.
Il seminario è aperto al pubblico e si terrà in lingua inglese.

PETER WADHAMS ScD è Professore Emerito di Fisica Oceanica presso il Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata e Fisica Teorica dell’Università di Cambridge, e precedentemente Direttore dello Scott Polar Research Institute. È anche professore presso l’Università Politecnica delle Marche e, da settembre 2019, Visiting professor presso il Politecnico di Torino. Dal 1976 dirige un gruppo di ricerca che si occupa di fisica dei ghiacci marini e cambiamenti climatici, con un vasto lavoro sul campo (54 spedizioni) realizzato con sottomarini, AUV, rompighiaccio ed aircraft.

“I have been studying Arctic sea ice since the 1970s, and in that time the ice cover has retreated so that its volume in summer is only a quarter of what it was in the 1970s. Its composition has changed so that nearly all of the ice is young, less than a year old, and only a small amount of older ice remains. The consequences of this retreat are enormous for the climate of the planet as a whole. The loss of the white ice surface results in a reduction in the fraction of incoming short wave energy from the sun that is reflected back into space - causing global warming to accelerate, with the effect being calculated as adding 45% to the warming rate. The open water area in summer warms up, and in shallow water this causes the permafrost covering the seabed to thaw, allowing a vast mass of methane in the underlying sediments to escape to the atmosphere - the fear is that this could become a huge methane outburst, causing an even greater boost to global warming. The warm air now permeating the Arctic moves over the Greenland ice sheet, causing increased melting and an increased rate of global sea level rise, with terrible consequences for coastal cities and communities. And the warmer Arctic air distorts the course of the jet stream in the atmosphere, leading to extreme weather events of heat or cold which are disrupting crop production in middle latitudes, reducing our food supply at a time when population is increasing rapidly. These are all disasters.

What can we do to overcome them, and to overcome global warming in general? Reduction in carbon emissions is essential, but is not enough in itself to bring us back to the stable climate of the past. The only was is to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by chemical means, followed by disposal of the absorbed material in some way. I outline the methods under development, including conversion of CO2 into artificial limestone for use in cement production, and deposition in deep rock fissures in Iceland. These analyses are found in my book "a Farewell to Ice" and also in the recent Leonardo DiCaprio film "Ice on Fire".”