07 - NoonTalk@DIATI
Mercoledì 5 ottobre 2016 - ore 13:00
Sala Riunioni 1° Piano DIATI ingresso 3, Politecnico di Torino - Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, Torino
Seminario con Marco Diana
Marco Diana is associate professor of transport engineering and planning at POLITO-DIATI, specializing in the analysis of transport-related behaviors and in multimodality issues. He holds a Ph.D in “Automatics and Computer Science for Transport systems” and has 15 years of international research experience in this field, carried out in different research institutions both in Europe and overseas. His research work is focused on the impacts of information andcommunication technologies on the transport systems, the analysis of innovative transport systems and services and their behavioral impacts. Scientific responsible for POLITO of FP7 and H2020 EU projects (METPEX, SUITS) and actively involved in many others (SAGE, ecoFEV, EGOMOTION). Author of about 50 papers, many of which published in outstanding scholarly journals.
Technological advances in the ICT sector are spreading the diffusion of new mobility services, such as car pooling and car sharing, that are blurring the traditional distinction between private and public travel means. Correspondingly, transport policies need to evolve from simplified visions, were some travel modes are to be promoted and others to be discouraged, to a true co-modality perspective, where the best combination of use of different modes, including innovative ones, is promoted to satisfy at best the existing travel demand. Fondazione CRT is now funding a study on such topic, whose goal is to quantitatively define the optimal co-modality in the case of the Turin metropolitan area, where new mobility services are rapidly diffusing. An innovative travel survey is being realized in October 2016 to gather the needed experimental data, whose design is one of the scientific contributions of the project, as discussed during the seminar. After such activity, the sociotechnical performances of the different transport means will be matched with the actual mobility patterns and the way they are satisfied, therefore making it possible to define how traditional and new modes can cooperate in order to maximize social benefits and minimize environmental impacts.