Categoria: Seminari e Convegni
Stato: Archiviata
16-17 Aprile 2018

"Sustainability assessment of water resources, wastewater and solid waste management systems"

DIATI 2 - Sala riunioni - 4° piano

Workshop dedicato ai dottorandi in Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale ed ai borsisti e assegnisti del DIATI, organizzato nell'ambito dell'accordo ERASMUS+ tra il Politecnico di Torino e l'Università Tecnica di Iasi, Romania

I relatori provengono dal Dipartimento di Environmental Engineering and Management della “Gheorghe Asahi” Technical University di Iasi:
George Barjoveanu is Lecturer at the same department. He obtained his Chemical Engineering degree (2004), Master of Science (2005) and his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering in 2009 at TUIASI. His research interests include Life cycle assessment, Conventional and advanced wastewater treatment technologies, Project management, Environmental management, Integrated Water Resources Management , Environmental assessments and sustainability indicators and Sustainability issues associated with the industrial activities. His academic profile includes the disciplines of life cycle assessment and Sustainable Consumption, both at master level.
Daniela Gavrilescu is Lecturer in the Department of Environmental Engineering and Management, ”Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi (TUIASI), Romania, since 2017. She has a BSc. in Environmental Engineering and a MSc. in Environmental Management, both obtained at TUIASI. In 2011, she obtained the PhD in Chemical Engineering, under a TUIASI-TUWIEN joint supervision. Her main research directions are: solid waste treatment technologies and management, advanced wastewater treatment by using advanced oxidation processes and membrane separations, modelling and simulation of chemical processes. She has published 18 articles in ISI ranked journals and has a Hirsch index h=7 (ISI Web of Science, Scopus).
Daniela Fighir is Assisstant professor at „Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi. She graduated the Environmental Engineering programme, MSc in Environmental Management and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering (2011). Her research activities are: advanced oxidation processes and environmental performance assessment. Her scientific activity comprises 7 published papers in ISI ranked journals, 2 books, 15 research projects.

  • n. massimo di partecipanti: 16
  • I partecipanti sono tenuti a portare il proprio laptop per attività pratiche previste per ciascun modulo
Per iscriversi inviare e-mail alla Prof.ssa Silvia Fiore entro il 12 aprile 2018: