Category: Seminars and Conferences
State: Archived
March 7th, 2018

Nanoremediation: an innovative approach for the reclamation of polluted aquifers

h. 2:00 p.m. - Politecnico di Torino - SITI – Sede operativa, Corso Castelfidardo 30/a, Torino

In the framework of the 6th ReGround meeting in Turin, organized by Politecnico di Torino, the Groundwater Engineering Research Group is pleased to announce the seminar on Restoring aquifers contaminated by heavy metals using iron oxide nanoparticles: results and experiences from the H2020 REGROUND project.

A poster exposition will be held during the seminar. If interested in presenting a poster on Academic and Applied research, please submit an abstract of the project to the email address within 26/02/2018.