GREENFACTORY4COMPO aims to find innovative manufacturing solutions to increase the use of high-performance composite polymeric materials in an environmentally friendly manner, combining cost-effective, sustainable energy and environmental benefits.

Sheet GreenFactory4COMPO application/pdf (106.26 kB)

Class National project
Status Completed (31/05/2019)
Type Research Projects Supported by Structural and National Funds

Centro Ricerche Fiat S.p.A.


Il consorzio coordinato dal Centro Ricerche FiatS.C.p.A è composto da 28 partner piemontesi: Politecnico di Torino, Adler Evo, Sparco, COMAU, Prima Electro, CSP,  UNITO,  ECNP, Gallicchio Stampi, 2 Gamma, Simpro, Sacel, Sistemi Sospensioni, PROPLAST, Bylogix, Mod.En, Tech System, AC Graf Climatizzazione, Grinp, EnginSoft, Ver-Plast, Ingenia Automation, Eltek, Novasis Innovazione.

Il Politecnico di Torino partecipa al progetto con gruppi di ricerca di 5 diversi Dipartimenti, DIATI, DET, DISAT, DIGEP, DIMEAS.

Funding Body

Regione Piemonte

Budget Total Budget: 12.516.958,90 €
Budget DIATI: 241.696,00 €