MICS – Made in Italy Circolare e Sostenibile
MICS is committed to modernising and improving the competitiveness of Made in Italy related to the Clothing, Furnishing, Automotive and Mechanical industries, with a strong circular and sustainable imprint. The research on Additive Manufacturing will allow the realisation of a new generation of sustainable products: through design and innovative techniques, inspired by new technologies and by nature, thanks to new materials developed within the partnership, to the recycle and the reuse of scrap materials.
Particularly, Politecnico di Torino aims to make zero-waste production possible, contributing to the (twin) transition towards a sustainable and digital economy.
DIATI is involved in Spoke 5 Fabbriche e processi a ciclo chiuso, sostenibili e inclusivi (Closed-loop, sustainable and inclusive factories, and processes) and in Spoke 6 La manifattura additiva come fattore dirompente della Twin Transition (Additive manufacturing as a breakthrough factor of the Twin Transition).
Class | National project |
Status | Current (from 01/01/2023) |
Type | NRRP |
Web site | MICS |