SMARTOUR : Intelligent TOURist platform
01/07/2019 - 31/12/2021 extended 30/06/2023
The SMARTOUR project provides for the creation of an integrated platform to support the user of the spaces and places of the cities of art and culture. The platform intends to provide innovative services for dynamic, interactive, safe and inclusive management of the tourist experience, based on an integrated and modular way. These services will be developed on the basis of methodologies and technologies aligned with the evolutionary trends of the respective fields, such as virtual and augmented reality, pervasive monitoring, sensory fusion, Ambient Assisted Living, integrated security.
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Class | National project |
Status | Completed (30/06/2023) |
Lenght | 48 months |
Management |
iCampus S.c.a.r.l. |
Partners |
iCampus S.c.a.r.l.; Space S.p.A.; ATI di PMI (Phoops S.r.l.; ENVISENS S.r.l.; NEXSOFT S.p.A.; Advanced Microwave Engineering; Softec S.p.a.; Meta S.r.l.; 01S S.r.l.; 01S S.r.l.; Nexse S.r.l.; Mizar S.r.l.) Politecnico di Torino (DIATI, DAD, DIST); Università di Perugia; Università di Trento; Università "La Sapienza"; Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (IAC, IASI, IRAT) |
Funding Body |
Budget |
Total budget: 5.461.263,12 € Polito budget: 457.574,89 € |
Participants |