Category: Notices
State: Archived
4 scholarships for the new enrollees of the M.Sc in Agritech Engineering
The call for applications for 4 scholarships of € 2000 each for the new enrollees of the Master's Degree programme in Agritech Engineering of Politecnico di Torino is online.
The course has a strong multidisciplinary core which aims to train new and unique national and international professional figures able to manage and generate technological innovation in Agriculture 4.0.
To participate you must:
- Have earned a Bachelor's degree in Italy or abroad or another degree useful for accessing the Master's Degree in Agritech Engineering;
- Enroll for the first time in the Master's Degree programme in Agritech Engineering (LM-26) at Politecnico di Torino by December 31st 2024 for the academic year 2024/25.