Category: Notices
State: Archived
Enroll by 25/11/2024 for the academic year 2024/25

6 scholarships for the new enrollees of the M.Sc in Environmental and Land Engineering, track Management of Natural Hazards

6 scholarships for the new enrollees of the M.Sc in Environmental and Land Engineering, track Management of Natural Hazards
The call for applications promoted by DIATI aims to fill the education gap between business and academia on the topics of the RETURN Extended Partnership, including improving research on environmental, natural and anthropic hazards.
To participate you must:

  • Hold a Bachelor’s degree from an Italian University (foreign students must be in possession of a certification of Italian language proficiency level B2 and up);
  • Enroll for the first time in the Master's Degree programme in Environmental and Land Engineering (LM-35) at Politecnico di Torino by November 25th, 2024 for the academic year 2024/25;
  • Choose the track Management of Natural Hazards (Gestione dei Rischi Naturali) when finalizing your career plan.
Find out more about the track (in Italian):
Application deadline: 02/12/2024
View the call for applications (in Italian) on the page Scholarships and Awards