Category: Other Events
State: Archived
Friday 29th September 2023

Uno di Noi - Musica per Roberto Revelli

Politecnico di Torino - Aula Magna

The musical meeting "Uno di Noi - Musica per Roberto Revelli" will be held on Friday 29 September 2023 at 5pm at Politecnico di Torino - Aula Magna.

A few months ago Roberto Revelli passed away, a dear friend, a precious colleague and a teacher much loved by students. To share the affection and memory with those who loved and esteemed him, the Department of Environmental, Land and Infrastructure Engineering propose a moment to remember him with the Power Flower orchestra.

The entire PoliTo community is invited to make Tommaso and Rebecca, who participate with their orchestra, feel the affection and friendship for their father.

Attendance is free. Registration is required via the form: