Category: Notices
State: Archived
Deadline: January 12th 2024

Master’s degree awards in memory of Prof. Alberto Russo Frattasi

The call for application for three Master’s degree awards in memory of Prof. Alberto Russo Frattasi is open, thanks to the generous philanthropic act of his son, Dr. Carlo Alessandro Russo Frattasi.
The awards are meant for those who graduated at Politecnico di Torino between January 1st 2022 and December 31st 2023 with a Master’s Degree thesis on one of the following themes:

  • Transport Engineering
  • Transport Systems
  • Transport science and technology
and focusing on the improvement of transport regarding safety, energy efficiency and/or environmental efficiency and quality.
The application deadline is on Friday, January 12th 2024.
Criteria and application rules are available in the official call for applications (Italian text) that you can find in the list “Premi di laurea”.