Dissemination and Public Engagement

The Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering intends to put the knowledge produced through its research activities at the disposal of the society as a whole, in order to contribute to the educational, cultural and societal development.


ScuolAmbiente: a project to introduce secondary school students to the topics of environmental protection and land management, sustainable employment of resources and eco-friendly development of infrastructure and means of transport.

OpenLab: the Departments’ laboratories are open to the public in order to make research activities more visible and to attract interest of students, researchers, companies and citizens toward environmental engineering issues. 

Theatre and Science: the Department has been a promoter of two theatre performances focused on the themes of environmental engineering and climate change (Change the Climate) and of biology and hydraulic engineering (Fish in troubled waters).

Talks in the Library: the Library of the Department organizes open talks exploring the links between environment and philosophy, economy, history, anthropology, …

FotografiAmbiente: photography contest promoted by the Department and open to professors, researchers, fellows, partners, PhD students, technical-administrative staff from DIATI and students enrolled in one of the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs of Politecnico di Torino based in the Department.



2019 application/pdf (554.78 kB)

2020 application/pdf (569.64 kB)

2021 application/pdf (567.40 kB)

2022 application/pdf (260.69 kB)




Connecting Worlds: artistic project realized by Art.ur association with the scientific collaboration of DIATI. 

End of September 2023

Adattarsi: il ruolo della ricerca e della comunicazione per gestire il cambiamento: Conference during Un grado e mezzo festival

May 28th 2023

L’acqua: una risorsa sempre più preziosa in un mondo in trasformazione: series of meetings that took place at Accademia delle Scienze, coordinate by Prof. Luca Ridolfi. 

April – May 2023

Workshop "Qualità dell'aria e microclima urbano": presentation of ARIA P@LIT@ project. 

March 28th 2023

SIREN: Saving Italian hydRological mEasuremeNts: citizen science project. 

from March 2023

Adaptation: speciale Politecnico di Torino: webdoc dedicatedto the research activities of DIATI on climate change adaptation. 

Online from May 2023

CIAK, Sì parteciPO: laboratory for the production of a participatory short film. 

March – June 2023

Green Blue: training course on the digital impact. 

December 2022 – April 2023

Protezione delle risorse idriche e del territorio: quale contributo per la società del terzo millennio? : conference in memory of Prof. Marina De Maio. 

November 25th 2022

Earth Futures Festival: video dedicated at PaleoLab at the award ceremony. 

October 21st 2022

Il fiume per noi. La vita scorre: presentation of the docufilm born from the collective work of the research team coordinated by Prof. Elena Comino 

July 11th 2022

RADARMETEOROLOGY: STATE OF THE ART AND FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS: 4 seminars that aim to inform a non-professional audience on the latest development of this technology. 

April 28th – May 19th 2022

2nd International WORKSHOP ON HERITAGE STONES: Three days of seminars, round tables and field trips will be organized to promote the heritage stones and their proper preservation. 

October 5th-7th 2021

Round table discussion “L’ultima spiaggia” In the framework of the third edition of the artist residency Creativamente Roero

September 18th 2021


June 29th– July 2nd 2021

Un pianeta B digitale?: event on the occasion of earth Day in the frame of side events of Open Days PoliTo. 

April 22nd 2021

Il cibo che mangi, l’acqua che non vedi: on the occasion of the World Water Day 2021. 

March 2021

Exhibition “Dalla Terra allo Spazio: osservazione e misurazione del nostro Pianeta” 

February 19th – December 31st 2020

Moving Lab inauguration, realized in the framework of climate_change@polito project. 

October 7th 2020

Conference-performance Change the climate, Biennale Tecnologia. 

November 15th 2020

Challenges for Engineers for a Greener Future: Webinar series 

May 27th – June 12th 2020

RIFLESSIONI SU AMBIENTE, CAMBIAMENTI CLIMATICI, SOSTENIBILITA' E NON SOSTENIBILITA': conference promoted by DIATI and ANPPIA, Coordination: Tamara Bellone and Paola Procacci (DIATI, Politecnico di Torino), Alessandro Monchietto (ANPPIA, Turin).

 October 2019 – January 2020

Pillola di Scienza: Beviamo al domani - L’importanza crescente delle acque potabili carsiche: Prof. Bartolomeo Vigna speaks at Raduno Nazionale di Speleologia Icnussa 2019 – “Impronte” – Urzulei. 

April 27th-28th 2019

Il tesoro nascosto: talk on the subject of waste and recycling by Alessandro Battaglino, president Barricalla SpA, Maurizio Onofrio, professor at Politecnico di Torino Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering and Roberto Ronco, manager Direzione Ambiente. 

March 26th 2019

Ceva: “Borsi” at the movie theatre, a conference on water resources – lesson curated by Prof. Bartolomeo Vigna. 

February 25th 2019

PHD DAY@DIATIPhD Day of the PhD course in Civil and Environmental Engineering (XXXI cycle – XXXII – XXXIII cycle): PhD students have presented a series of posters to discuss their research activities PhD DAY@DIATI 2018 application/pdf (202.14 kB)

October 11th 2018

Speech of Prof. Pierluigi Claps on “Invasi naturali e invasi artificiali in tempi di global warning” at the seminar “L’acqua e il suo uso sapiente nelle coltivazioni” application/pdf (429.31 kB) organized by AIDDA – Associazione Imprenditrici e Donne Dirigenti d’Azienda. 

July 9th 2018

DIATI for Sustainability Weeks: from May 22nd to June 7th the second edition of PoliTO Sustainability Weeks, an initiative to promote actions of sustainability and for sustainability in all the locations of Politecnico di Torino. 

May 22nd – June 7th 2018

Le attività minerarie nella storia: a new analysis of the past to enhance the present while looking to the future. 

May 28th 2018

Prof. Claps speaks at Pint of Science Festival “Non è Francesca…Storie di Nubifragi e Alluvioni”

May 15th 2018

WORKSHOP: “HIGHLIGHS ABOUT THE WATER-FOOD NEXUS” - Young and internationally reknown scientists in the field of water resources and food production presents their works and most recent findings 

May 4th 2018

DRONES: CURRENT APPLICATION AND FUTURE PERSPECTIVESConference organized by DAD and DIATI in collaboration with DJI Company 

May 3rd 2018

L’ACQUA CHE (NON) MANGIAMO – The water footprint of food and food waste: Conference for the World Water Day 

March 22nd 2018

Seminar “Spazio, tempo, orientamento e disorientamento” – Philosophy and Physics meet Geomatics 

January 18th 2018

Maux Media - Secondary School of First Degree Maria Ausiliatrice in Turin has been a guest of DIATI : Una “inondazione” di giovanissimi al DIATI alla scoperta di acqua, territorio e ambiente

November 3rd 2017

PHD DAY@DIATIPhD Day of the PhD course in Environmental Engineering (XXX cycle) and in Civil and Environmental Engineering (XXI-XXXII cycle): the PhD students have presented a series of posters to describe and discuss their research activities. 

October 23rd 2017

ROCCE, CRISTALLI E METEORITI- Seminar on the history of mineral deposits and ornamental stones in Piedmont and on the Mining Engineering developed at Politecnico di Torino (archived news

October 6th 2017

DIATI at the World Environmental Education Congress : Prof. Elena Comino took part to the 9th World Environmental Education Congress taking place in Vancouver from 9th to 15th of September

September 2017

Exhibition ROCCE, CRISTALLI, METEORITI: exhibition of the historical geo-mineralogical and mining collections of the Departments of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering, organized in collaboration with the Libraries and Museum Area of Politecnico di Torino 

April 21st –  October 7th 2017

GreenCoffee: “Popular Science” seminars on selected topics of public interest in the domains of environment and land protection and management, sustainable use of resources and eco-friendly development of infrastructures and transport 

April 7th 2017

Archeological Excavation in the Valley of the Kings, Luxor, Egypt: the Department Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering is involved in a project of geophysical mapping of the Valley of the Kings 

April 3rd 2017

Two professors from DIATI involved in the Festival’s meetings: La qualità dell’aria nei centri urbani e la mobilità sostenibile and Cambiamenti climatici e risorse idriche: prevenzione o emergenza? 

March 29th – April 2nd 2017

DIATI donates a set of surveying equipment to St. Joseph University in Tanzania: The shipment of two Total Stations to the Department of Civil Engineering of Saint Joseph University in Tanzania has been successfully concluded

March 27th 2017

CAMBIAMENTI CLIMATICI PASSATI, PRESENTI E FUTURI – 4 lessons held by Prof. Pietro Salizzoni, Assistan Professor at École Centrale de Lyon and Visiting Professor at Politecnico di Torino. 

March 2017

ASPETTI DELLA SICUREZZA STRADALE RELATIVI ALL'INTRODUZIONE DEI VEICOLI A GUIDA AUTONOMA: conference organized by Associazione italiana dei professionisti per la sicurezza stradale (AIPSS), with the support of Politecnico di Torino, DIATI Department 

February 24th 2017

LE ACQUE DI LANGA: Presentation of the results of a hydrogeochemical study conducted by DIATI in collaboration with Regione Piemonte regarding the water flowing from artesian wells in the area surrounding Bastia, Mondovì. 

January 20th 2017

Workshop organized by DIATI: Smart technologies, agriculture and environment: challenges and perspectives

January 16th 2017

Mobility and Transport” Day 

November 23rd 2016

Day on “Trattamento e riutilizzo dei fanghi da taglio della pietra ornamentale: una nuova risorsa per l’edilizia green” 

November 22nd 2016

The students of the hydrology course, held by Prof. Pierluigi Claps, re-elaborate the flood data that hit Piedmont in late November. 

November 2016

Poster session for the PhD Day of the PhD course in Environmental engineering (XXIX-XXX cycle) and Civil and Environmental engineering (XXXI cycle). 

October 21st 2016

Participation in the project CYCLAIR: mobilità ciclabile e qualità dell’aria.

October 2016 – September 2017

Participation in the event European Researchers Night - SOS pianeta: alleggerisci la tua impronta! Video on YouTube

September 30th 2016

Participation in the event European Researchers Night in Aosta 

September 30th 2016

Participation in the event Terra Madre. Three research groups from DIATI present their posters.

September 22nd - 26th 2016

The student team DIRECT has collaborated with the Archeological mines park of San Silvestro through photogrammetric surveys from a drone and land view and land laser scanning survey. 

September 19th - 26th 2016

Video of interventions in Amatrice (earthquake in Central Italy, august 2016)  Video on Youtube

August - September -  October 2016